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The Benefits of Giving Rather Than Receiving


It’s the time of the year when we often spend days receiving presents. However, the holidays are so much more than getting gifts… they’re about giving, too. 

If you’ve been wondering why you’re feeling a little sad during the end of the year, it may be that you’re too focused on getting items, and not focusing on giving of yourself. Not only will giving help someone in need or want, but it will provide amazing benefits, too.

Giving Lowers Your Stress Level

Have you ever noticed that after you volunteer to help others, you feel great and not depleted? It’s because you’ve filled up your spiritual side. The holidays can be an overwhelming and challenging time of year. By focusing yourself on the needs of other individuals, you’ll be doing your heart, body and soul a favor.

Giving Allows You to Concentrate on Others

We all need a break from the hustle and bustle of holiday activities. Why not spend some of this December concentrating on other people? You can volunteer at a soup kitchen or just be a resource to kids in your neighborhood by helping them with homework. By taking your mind off other responsibilities, you’ll be giving your brain some downtime.

Giving Can Literally Change Someone’s Life

You might not think of yourself as being a lifesaver, but you literally could be if you focus on giving. For instance, making a donation to a local charity that helps homeless women and children could allow the charity to do more good. It can have long-term repercussions, such as improvement in your overall community. You may never know the people you helped, just by giving of your time or donating your dollars.

Giving Shows Kids the True Meaning of the Season

Do you have children in your life? You’re probably trying to get them to understand that everything doesn’t center on their wants. When you make an effort to give, be sure to let them see it and participate, if applicable. Kids tend to imitate the actions of their parents and the adults who are influencers in their lives. 

Giving Could Introduce You to New Friends… or a New Career

Let’s say you decide this year, you’re going to spend a little time at a nursing home as a volunteer. You become friends with some of the residents and their families. Over time, they become close to you — and all because you gave! At the same time, you might discover that you like working with seniors, so you consider a different type of career path. It’s been known to happen, and it’s a direct result of the giving spirit.

As much as you might like to receive this year, don’t forget to give tenfold — and ironically, you’ll receive one-hundredfold in the process.

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    Founded over 25 years ago, Broadway Basketeers has been manufacturing and selling gourmet gift baskets to customers and businesses alike across the USA and Canada. By sticking to their core values, Broadway Basketeers has risen to become a leader in the gift basket industry.

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