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7 Top Gifts for a New Mom


Becoming a new mom is an experience unlike any other. It’s also a time when friends and family feel the urge to help out in any ways they can. If you’re trying to figure out how to make a new mom’s days — and night feedings — a little easier, why not check out these top seven gift ideas?

1. Send Meals or a Meal Plan

Making food is tough enough, but it’s especially hard for a new mom to navigate the kitchen with a babe in arms. Be kind to the mommy in your life by bringing over homecooked goodies or giving her a subscription to a weekly boxed meal plan where all ingredients are sent her way.

Not sure she’s going to want either? Gift cards for local food delivery places won’t hurt!

2. Offer to Babysit

New moms don’t get much down-time, even when they need it. Think you could spare an hour or two once or twice a week? Insist on being a some-time babysitter.

The new mom may think she can handle everything on her own, but she will come to appreciate your thoughtfulness when she can get a nice nap.

3. Send Treats

Obviously, a gift basket or box is a delicious and easy way to remember the new mom — and new daddy, too.

What could be easier for her than to just reach over and grab some candies, chocolates or dried fruits when she gets the nibbles? Plus, gift baskets are great choices if you can’t be there in person.

4. Give Gift Cards to Clothing Stores

Babies grow incredibly quickly, as every mommy learns immediately. Gift cards to local clothing stores and boutiques will help the new parents keep their sweetheart in properly-fitting attire throughout that first crazy year.

5. Offer Yard Duties

Is the new mom a gardener or someone who loves to keep a tidy lawn and yard? You can help out, especially in the first few months when her attentions will be elsewhere.

Even if you just weed once in a while, you’ll be making her life simpler, and allowing her to focus on her baby.

6. Give a Date Night

New parents never get the chance to go out for a simple dinner together — just the two of them. Send your love their way with a gift card for a local restaurant and a coupon for your babysitting services.

It’s an incredibly sweet way to ensure the adults in the family get time together.

7. Send a Spa Gift Card

New moms need to be pampered, and that’s what spa days are for. Have the new dad take over baby duty, and head to the spa with your mommy friend. She’ll come back home relaxed and ready to tackle that mountain of burp cloths.


You can’t go wrong when you send loving gifts to your favorite new mommy this year. She’ll remember you forever.

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    Founded over 25 years ago, Broadway Basketeers has been manufacturing and selling gourmet gift baskets to customers and businesses alike across the USA and Canada. By sticking to their core values, Broadway Basketeers has risen to become a leader in the gift basket industry.

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